Saturday, 31 July 2010

Tesco Company Report

Here's that Tesco Company Report again, to make sure that people actually read it!

What you can easily see is that Tesco are happily breaking the law. They are a long term abuser of UK laws which is why so many CCJs have been brought against them and were outstanding last year.
One question is why would any honest politician want to deal with them when they statistically lead to job losses, to local retail and other local business closures, and when Tesco is so obviously dishonest?

Comments are welcome!

1 comment:

  1. our local politicians might be honest, in the main, but they're not exactly very well-informed and don't think critically. they've fallen for tesco's bullshit, without examining the issue in any depth.

    then again, there may have been some 'undue influence'...not corruption exactly, but it'll do until the real corruption comes along
