Saturday, 3 November 2012

TESCO sacks workers

Some people in Glastonbury and Street seem to 'believe' that TESCO will honour promises and care about any local jobs or services! The record shows that TESCO does NOT honour promises and is an abusive and lying multinational corporation that costs local jobs in EVERY community it establishes itself!

Tesco exploits the unemployed on workfare - now Tesco sacks WORKERS.

A PROTEST was staged against plans to slash a large number of jobs currently held by lorry drivers who deliver produce to Tesco stores.

The jobs in jeopardy are with haulage company Eddie Stobart Ltd. and 200 drivers from the Doncaster depot, which serves Tesco stores in Yorkshire, are set to lose out and be replaced by lower-
paid drivers within 90 days.

Tesco transferred their drivers to Eddie Stobart (ESL) in August, resulting in a loss of their pension schemes and other benefits enjoyed whilst employed by Tesco.

One month after the transfer drivers were told Eddie Stobart would terminate their contracts.

Unite the Union regional officer Harriet Eisner said: “The drivers are furious at the way they have been treated by this management which seems hell-bent on throwing them onto the dole queue by Christmas.

“The strike action will severely disrupt supplies to Tesco stores across the region, but Tesco has only itself to blame since it washed its hands of the drivers when it transferred them to Eddie Stobart in August. More strikes are on the cards until this dispute is resolved.”

Tesco drivers took two days of strike action recently - with great support from the Doncaster public - after ESL issued 90-days’ notice of termination of employment.

In August, the transport workforce was transferred from Tesco to ESL and then on 5 September, ESL issued notice of termination of employment, with no promise that the drivers will be re-employed once the 90-days are up.

Unite had campaigned for these jobs to be safeguarded once the TUPE (Transfer of Undertaking [Protection of Employment] arrangements) came into force at the beginning of August.

In 2011 Tesco profited £3.8bn and paid their highest paid director £1.6m.

1 comment:

  1. Don't let Tesco open up in your area. Those local doncaster truck drivers are to be sacked and the tractor units removed from the depot. This will mean at least 100 solo tractor units being sent into Doncaster daily to take the loads out, so not only does this mean the loss of nearly 200 reasonably paid local jobs but more traffic and needless pollution. TESCO ARE BAD NEWS FOR YOUR LOCAL ECONOMY AND ENVIRONMENT!
