Thursday, 1 November 2012

Judge: “The public need to be reassured that people who defraud public funds as you have done regularly and over a long period of time will be punished.”

So how does TESCO get away with millions of pounds of criminal tax evasion and not face any criminal charges?
Surely folk who are concerned about the cuts in public services, due to the hoarding of trillions by the banksters and corporations, whilst governments give the same corporations and banks massive subsidies, bailouts and bonuses, will want to show their concern by shopping with local and honest businesses!
Could it be that the culture of corruption, that is so prevalent these days, has meant that the corporations that administer councils, police, courts, government, etc are 'fixing-it' for each other to avoid taxes and become extremely wealthy while the rest of us see our incomes fall and public services disappear? Could bribery and/or extortion be involved?

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